The beginning of wisdom, as the Chinese say, is calling things by their right names. (E. O. Wilson, as cited by Elizabeth J. Rosenthal, Birdwatcher: The Life of Roger Tory Peterson)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

It Doesn't Matter It's the Boy's Birthday

March 5, 2010.  Friday.
Situation:  Work tonight.  Sent the Boy a birthday greeting by email.  (He’s been living half the time with us, half the time with his girlfriend, Jennifer.)  Take Mway out about 2.  All day long I trip over sticks that Moi has allowed Mway to bring into the kitchen.
State of the Path:  As soon as I step outside I hear a loud “chak” and then spot in the big spruce tree behind our house what I’m pretty sure is a mourning dove.  Soon a second dove flies over and perches in a nearby tree.  I wait for the birds to sing their sad coo, but when after a minute nothing happens, I start to walk over, startling the two birds and a number of others that I hadn’t seen.  Only when I’m by the outbuilding and a briar has caught in my orange wool cap do I hear the familiar coo.  There is still snow on the ground in the old orchard, but between the sumacs and the ridge around bug land much of the snow is gone.  The path is mostly muddy, forcing me to walk again in the weeds or on what little snow is left.  The sumac berries that I used to see in the snow I now see squashed in dirt, mud, and grass.  It looks rather Christmasy.
State of the Creek:  There are now only patches of snow along the creek, which is running pretty much the same as it has the last couple days.  Except for around the ridge that surrounds it, most of the snow is gone from bug land.
The Fetch:  Again stand at one end of the clearing, toss the stick the whole length.  Three fetches, which seems now to have become the standard.


Anonymous said...

Maybe I need a break. Thinking all the time. And then when I try to write, so many interruptions, with you and Moi coming in, then going out, coming back in, then going back out, open door, close door. M.

sisyphus gregor said...

Maybe you’re beginning to appreciate my situation. That’s one of the main points I wish to communicate in this blog.

Anonymous said...

Pointing where? M.

sisyphus gregor said...

Following is an abstract of a recurring event of much of 2010, which had to transpire by the 5th of each month. I do not mention the event in my journal, but I include this abstract, as a framing device, because the event has some sort of relation to the journal’s central action.

Court of the District Magistrate

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Joplin B. Gregor
Charge: Disorderly Conduct

Amount of Fine: $795.00 Previous Balance: $530.00
Payment received: $66.25 Current Balance: $463.75